
The Letters of John and Jude is unavailable, but you can change that!

The letters of John and Jude deal with heretical teachings within the early Church. In 1 John the problem was Gnosticism—a view that the material world is evil—and according to Barclay, a view that still infects the thinking of some of today's Christians. Second and 3 John contain warnings against visiting preachers who taught false doctrines and against other individuals who attacked the...

IN God, says John, there is no darkness at all. Throughout the New Testament, darkness stands for the very opposite of the Christian life. (1) Darkness stands for the Christless life. It represents the life that people lived before they met Christ or the life that they live if they stray away from him. John writes to his people that, now that Christ has come, the darkness is past and the true light shines (1 John 2:8). Paul writes to his Christian friends that
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